Latest Facts

A dime always has 118 ridges.

Every portion of air you breath is breathed by someone else less than a second later.

The most common name is Mohammed (a lot of you probably knew that).

A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.

Butterflies taste with their feet.

Cats have 32 muscles in each ear.

Bert and Ernie of Sesame are named after Bert the cop and Ernie the driver in "It's a Wonderful Life".

All fifty states' names are hidden in a 5 dollar bill.

The facts of screwball

If you’re a trainer and you want to know why you should keep a collection of unbelievable facts in your training toolkit, here’s why…

…you sometimes need to catch people’s attention in any way you can!

remember once running a course with a truly difficult young man. In fact, he was quite impossible. He sat in the group wearing a woollen hat which he refused to remove and his expression was sullen. He took no part in any of the discussions except to say they were a waste of time and simply refused to participate in the group exercises.

By chance, shortly after the first morning break… when I was wondering just what to do with my young man… someone mentioned a news story about a child being born on its way to hospital in the front seat of a car.

This triggered one of those long-lost facts deep in my memory to come to the surface and I added a “Did-you-know…?” which was…

“Did you know that Winston Churchill was born in a ladies room at a dance?”

At that moment everyone was intrigued by this fact. The greatest Briton of all time… a wartime hero… Prime Minister several times… born in a ladies’ loo. And guess what? For the first time in the course, my awkward young man was interested too. In fact, he couldn’t help himself.

You see, much as some people hate to be taught and trained, there are few of us who can resist learning something interesting. It’s in our blood. The need to know.

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